G.B. Bovicelli: Regole, passaggi di musica, madrigali et motetti passeggiati (Venice, 1594)
Edited by Gawain Glenton, with English translation by Oliver Webber
£22 plus p&p (printed volume)
Includes PDF downloads of keyboard reductions and madrigal scores/parts
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Newly edited by Gawain Glenton, and presented with a side-by-side English/Italian translation of Bovicelli's treatise by Oliver Webber, this volume represents a key text for anyone interested in the performance styles and practices of the 16th- and 17th centuries. The printed volume includes Bovicelli's important advice and instructions for making passaggi alongside his copious musical examples, plus his eight ornamented madrigals and three sets of falsibordone. In addition, two appendices are automatically supplied as downloadable PDFs: Appendix A provides keyboard reductions of the madrigal models, and Appendix B provides full scores and individual instrumental parts of the madrigals for ensemble performance.
Madrigals included:
Io son ferito - Palestrina
Ave verum corpus - Palestrina
Ancor che co'l partire - de Rore
Angelus as pastores - de Rore
Vadam et circuibo civitatem [Prima Parte] - Vittoria
Dilectus tuus candidus [Seconda Parte] - Vittoria
In te Domine speravi - Merulo
Assumpsit Iesus Petrum - Merulo
If you have purchased a copy of this edition through a music shop, trade stand or from the editors, you will need to download the appendices. A discount code for this can be found on the inside cover of the printed edition. Click the 'Add to cart' button under Additional Materials below, and use the code at the checkout to download the appendices for free. If you purchase your copy through this site, there is no need to add the additional materials to your cart, they will be emailed to you automatically.