Brunetti, F & Vidal, P: Two 18th Century Violoncello Methods ed. Guillermo Turina

Violoncello Methods in 18th-Century Spain

Volume 1 : Arte y Escuela del violoncello [Art and School of the Violoncello]
by Pablo Vidal
Volume 2 : Méthodo de violoncello [Violoncello Method]
by Francisco Brunetti

PDF Download of Volume 1 - £12
PDF Download of Volume 2 - £12
PDF Download of Volumes 1 & 2 - £16

Edited by Guillermo Turina Serrano

The cello methods discussed in these volumes represent the high level of instrumental technique practiced in late 18th c. Madrid. Alongside the renowned Luigi Boccherini and Domenico Porretti, other cellists such as Pablo Vidal and Francisco Brunetti were members of various orchestras in the city and dedicated part of their energies to the production of cello teaching methods. They are the authors of the following sources used in this publication:

Volume 1: Arte y Escuela del violoncello, by Pablo Vidal.

Mc. 5307/70. Arte y escuela de violon cello compuesto
por Dn. Pablo Vidal, primer violon2 del Rl. Combento
de las Sras. De la Encarnación y del Excmo. Sor. Duque
de Osuna.

M/2282. Arte y escuela del violoncello compuesto por
Dn. Pablo Vidal, primer violon de la Rl. Capilla de la
Encarnación y del Exmo. Duque de Ossuna.

Volume 2: Método de violoncello, by Franisco Brunetti.

M1 7014 (10). The only surviving copy, kept in
the library of the Royal Conservatoire, Madrid.

Guillermo Turina was the recipient of the Septenary Fund, 2014, and we are delighted to be publishing the proceeds of this award for the first time.

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